Stroke Nurse Leaders Symposium

This premier, annual, invitation-only event seeks to unite the most senior stroke nurse leaders from around Australia to network, exchange ideas, share best-practice world-class stroke education. It is the only national forum that facilitates the sharing of evidence-based practice amongst leading stroke nurse and stroke experts. 

Educational topics covered in the symposium comprise a range of high-level subjects directly relevant to the clinical practice of leading stroke nurses/Nurse Practitioners; including research, professional development, acute stroke management and pharmacology.

The SNLS (Stroke Nurse Leaders Symposium) is unique in that the small-group nature of the symposium and the considered programming enables attendees to meet in person, (for most, this symposium is the only forum that allows this to occur), and freely exchange ideas and information and network with their peers. This symposium therefore equips attending nurses with expert knowledge and support that they can take back to their home units to better improve patient care in their individual facilities.

Thanks to our corporate sponsors, this one-of-a-kind event is free for invited nurses to attend and is lauded as the premier Australian stroke nurse meeting of the year.

SNLS 2023

The Symposium was held in Melbourne this year, we had an attendance of more than 70 of the most expert stroke nurses in Australia with representatives from all states and territories.

We had rich presentations from Beata Bajorek, Prof Stephan Mayer and Skye Coote. Our committee members presented on Complex Patient Case Studies, Professional Development and Stroke Unit Certification, Updates on the 30/60/90 targets, ASNEN Education Modules available and a Stroke Foundation Update from the Executive Director, Tope Adepoyibi

As usual the networking, conversations and discussions that evolved as the day progressed were stimulating and educational.

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SNLS 2022

November 25th, 2022, saw the return of our in-person Stroke Nurse Leaders Symposium in Sydney, NSW. The View Hotel in North Sydney was the venue for this invitation only event complete with stunning views of Sydney Harbour.

We had an array of speakers covering tricky clinical cases and management of stroke and TIA. Our invited speakers highlighted advances in the pharmacology of fibrinolytics in stroke, differentiated the dizzies in patients presenting with suspected stroke and visited the intricacies of the cerebral vasculature and how to interpret angiograms.

ASNEN celebrated its 10th year and we were very pleased to welcome the exceptional Professor Sandy Middleton, one of the co-founders of ASNEN, who reviewed where we had been, where we are now and where we are going!

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SNLS 2021

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the 4th Stroke Nurse Leaders Symposium was a virtual meeting held on Friday November 26th 2021. Due to the virtual nature of this meeting, for the first time ever the SNLS was available to all ASNEN members, over 100 members were able to take advantage of this fantastic opportunity to attend this premier event.

Previous symposia have been held in Melbourne Victoria, 2017, 2018 and 2019.

SNLS Sponsorship

If you would like to become a sponsor of this world-class event you can learn more here.

Still thinking about joining ASNEN? Find out more and join here.