
Every year major stroke  organisations run conferences to share the latest research and evidence and help drive greater understanding of current developments in stroke. ASNEN provides its members with information about upcoming events around Australia and overseas. 

View Upcoming Conferences

ASNEN Nursing Conference Sessions (Australia)

With the generous support of the Stroke Society of Australasia (SSA) and Smart Strokes, ASNEN provides a dedicated session for nurses at each of the two major national conferences, with a program tailored to the specific needs of our members.

These important nursing conference sessions are offered free to our attending members, with no additional workshop/symposium charge (standard conference registration still applies).

ASNEN Best Stroke Nursing Abstract Award

To encourage and support Australian nurses to participate in and present stroke nursing research at a national level, ASNEN sponsor a “Best Nursing Abstract Award” at both the ANZSO and Smart Strokes conferences each year.

These awards are independently judged by the conference scientific committee and carry a generous monetary award and a certificate celebrating this prestigious achievement.

We strongly encourage all nurses who are submitting conference abstracts to apply for this award. Details can be found on the individual conference websites and during the abstract submission process.

Thinking of submitting an abstract but don’t know where to start? Please contact us and we can provide advice and support.

Conference Scholarships

Through the ongoing support of our corporate supporters, ASNEN offers scholarships to our members to attend the ANZSO and Smart Strokes conferences.


If you would like to support nursing education and sponsor Australian nurses for future conference attendance, read more about becoming a sponsor.

Upcoming Conferences

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter to keep abreast of upcoming local and international conferences.

If you would like to list an event that could benefit acute stroke nurses, please contact us.

Still thinking about joining ASNEN? Find out more and register here.